若者言葉を学びましょう! Learn youth 's Japanese!【日本語レッスン】

若者がよく使う日本語 Japanese words often used by the youth


Which Japanese word is appropriate for this scene?

A:あるある Aru-Aru
B:あせあせ Ase-Ase
C:ルンルン Run-Run

The answer is B "Ase-Ase"!




以前から、SNSなどで、文末や語尾に使われている (汗) とほぼ同義ですが、(汗) を若者に対して使うと「死語」扱いされてしまう可能性もありそうです。

The word "Ase-Ase" is used to describe the state of being in a hurry. It is a recent youth language. It means "Sweating" and is sometimes written in katakana . It can also be used to convey the feeling of "I'm sorry. For example, "I am late! Ase-Ase".

It is almost synonymous with (汗), which has long been used at the end of sentences and at the end of words on SNS, but if (汗) is used for young people, it may be treated as a "dead language".